I'm a dood with over a decade of experience leading designs and cross-functional teams. I like designing things, I like people, and I like making the digital world easy to navigate and use.
My core skills revolve around understanding problems, collaboration, and visual communication. I'm really easy to get along with and have a knack for giving research participants the space to open up and share their authentic thoughts and experiences. It's a really handy skill that's provided invaluable insights for a wide-range of products from cloud-based enterprise apps at ADP to multi-million dollar e-commerce sites like Newegg.
Let's see... what else could be useful to know about me? I started out during the days where UX and front-end coding were kinda all mixed together as "web design." This means that I was pretty good at HTML, CSS, and basic javascript (well, jquery, really) back in the day. I'm not so proficient with it anymore, but I'm still familiar with it which is super useful when partnering with engineers.
There are other things of course, but the best way to learn more is just by reaching out to me. You can contact me through LinkedIn or write to me at briankim[dot]works[at]gmail; I'll be happy to talk with ya.